The Mystery Of Black Hole

Hamael Sajjad
2 min readJan 24, 2021

Our universe is full of surprising facts and knowing about them is enthralling. One of them is the mystery of Black Hole. So what are Black Holes?

As we know that everything in this universe has to complete its life span and then demolish; stars too.

The dead star that is much bigger than our Sun is so dense and has strong gravity that even light could not pass through them. Thereby, these are known as “Black Holes”.

What would happen if a star gets closer to a Blackhole?

It would get stretched, torn apart, pulled in, and eventually squashed. Stars much more significant than our Sun ultimately explode whenever they run out their fuel. It is called “Supernova”, and the process of becoming Supernova is brighter in the whole galaxy of billions of stars. After completing the life span, some of the stars radiate the beam a beam of particles and others become dense with stronger gravity. Hence they swallow light and everything that falls in them.

The giant black holes usually found in the centre of the galaxies. These Gigantic and supermassive Black Holes are millions and billions of times more massive than our Sun.

According to NASA: The most distant Black Hole ever detected is in a galaxy about 13.1 billion light-years far from Earth. Astronomers named this supermassive black hole as “Quasar”.

What would happen if you get close to one?

If you get close to a black hole, then you will experience incredible gravitational pull and your feet would get stretched more than your head. Scientists call this phenomenon “Spaghettification”.

Which Black Hole is nearest to us?

The black hole that is nearest to our Earth is known as V616 Monocerotis. It is almost 3000 light-years away from Earth. Furthermore, this Black Hole is ten times heavier than our Sun. Also, there are nearly 100 million black holes in our Milky Way galaxy. The Biggest Black Hole is known as Sagittarius A* and it is in the centre of the Milkyway. Furthermore, it is 4 million times heavier than our Sun.

Don’t worry; we are still too far.

